
Robotic Process Automation

RPA (Robotic Process Automation) is a technology allowing companies to configurate software robots that deliver repetitive tasks, based on pre-established rules. These robots are able to fill in documents, read and send e-mails, register data into applications and many more.

We are offering you an operational model that makes use of new technologies such as Artificial Intelligence and RPA (Robotic Process Automation) in order to continuously improve the current business processes.

Such a solution of automation (RPA) is available for the onboarding (integration) process of new employees. This way, the solution allows the automatic retrieval of information from Excel to Charisma HCM, a human resources management solution, and the following operations are realized: 

  • Retrieval of information from e-mails;
  • Registration of information into a dedicated directory;
  • Generation of a file with the employee data;
  • Retrieval and transfer of information from files directly to Charisma HCM;
  • Generation of the individual employment agreement and of other necessary documents, including their registration them on a local system;
  • Transmission of documents by e-mail.

Everything without any required technical abilities.

Using this operating model, you can obtain:

  • Increase in employees’ job satisfaction, through the reduction of repetitive tasks;
  • Understanding of the additional processes that could be automated;
  • Focus on the degree of involvement of employees thanks to the automation of routine tasks;
  • General performance improvement.

The RPA technology challenges itself to accelerate and facilitate the activity of the support departments to improve the workflow of the organization.

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